The Essential Christmas Countdown Planner – 1 Week To Go

We’re almost there – the Christmas tree arrived during the week, I love the smell of fresh pine throughout the house. So the decorations are now complete. Don’t forget to decorate the bathroom, after-all everyone goes there ! Make sure you have all the table linen ready, PRESS IT NOW, hang up ready to use on Christmas day. Clean all the silverware you will be using, don’t leave it till Christmas Eve. Put aside some time to do some household baking eg. Parmesan biscuits, florentines, shortbread, White Christmas etc. Make the Brandy Butter and freeze it. I cut mine into ‘Star’ shapes, which makes for easy and decorative serving. Store between layers of baking paper in the freezer. If you are making a Pavlova, separate the eggwhites and yolks now, and store in separate containers in the fridge. ‘Older’ eggwhites whip up better than really fresh ones. The Christmas Meringue Roulade can be made anytime now and frozen. Remember to let it defrost overnight in the fridge.Use the yolks to make my Microwave Brandy Custard a day or two before Christmas. Prepare a well flavoured chicken stock, to make your turkey sauce with, and freeze it. If you don’t want to … Continue reading The Essential Christmas Countdown Planner – 1 Week To Go